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Dublin Real Estate

The City of Dublin strives to preserve and enhance the unique high quality of life offered to those who live or work in our community by providing the vision, leadership and performance standards which allow for managed growth and development. Dublin endeavors to deliver services cost-effectively, with an emphasis on quality and innovation. The City of Dublin seeks recognition in the field of local government as being responsive, cooperative, and culturally and environmentally sensitive, while embracing the highest standards of integrity and accountability to those we serve. The City of Dublin Surrounds the Scioto River in the northwest area of metropolitan Columbus and is approximately 24.44 square miles.

Dublin, Ohio, USA offers residents and corporate citizens responsive government services, attractive housing, superior public education, direct regional highway access, abundant park space and a dynamic community life. Located just minutes from Ohio’s capital City of Columbus, Dublin is a desirable place for business, raising a family or enjoying professional sporting events and renowned attractions. The City of Dublin provides an extremely high level of local government services and is committed to working with residents and businesses to exceed expectations. Everyone from the City Manager to field staff is accessible and eager to help individuals or businesses address their needs and concerns. Dublin is recognized as one of the safest cities in central Ohio, with an average City of Dublin Police response time of six minutes. The City’s internationally accredited police division keeps citizens involved and informed through programs like the neighborhood watch program, an early outdoor warning system and a computerized calling system that alerts residents to community concerns via phone.


Useful Links for the city of Dublin